The staff at Springtime Farms works 24/7 growing fiber. Each alpaca works hard at eating grass and hay and spending the days wandering around.

Alpaca descriptions will be added on a regular basis until all 42 are here. You can also see them on Facebook Page: Snuggly Toes from Springtime Farms.

My parents lived in Savannah, GA for a number of years, and my mother loved it! She named Savannah. After they moved to Oregon and started helping on shearing day, Mom wanted her girl to be fancy. So, we haven't sheared Savannah's legs in about three years. Check out her go-go boots!

Born close to St. Patrick’s Day, our Irish girl is a beautiful dark brown with a subtle blue in her eyes. She is gorgeous with a personality to boot. Often found with a piece of hay in her mouth cross wise, O’Shannon is a gem. She’s at the front of the crowd looking for treats but isn’t obnoxious.

Snuggle up with alpaca warmth!